
Shane's DBZ Page

Joswell's Gundam Wing Site

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Welcome To My Home Page

10/2 - Today I added the affiliate for my friend shane's DBZ site. It doesnt link to it for some reason. Ill have to ask him for the html code tomorrow at school. Meanwhile, MS 8th team is now on afternoon Toonami! Finally I have something to watch during that time! O well thats all for now, Later!

9/13 - Its soo hard to update this site with all the homework I have to do now that school's started. I guess that means that the site won't be updated as much as before. Oh well, Later!

9/11 - Nothing much new today, Gundam And Gundam Wing aren't on Toonami anymore so there is nothing much to watch except for the new DBZ. The rest of the channels are just news concerning today's tragedy.

9/4 - Great news! I finally got the first model pictures! they were sent in by my friend Shane Geiger. They are really good! You can visit his site at Ok thas it 4 now, later!

8/23 - Ok I deleted the empty page. I still don't have any Model pix sent in. I really need them or the model gallery might suffer the same fate as the episode guide! Oh well, later!

8/22 - The episode guide on this site isn't doing very good. I have decided to temporarily get rid of it. Since I cant find any way to remove it on the site builder, I will leave it blank for now. I am sure I will find a better use for it later.

8/20 - Today I changed the layout of the site. I personally think this is a lot better than the old one. Some text got screwed up because of the change, but I fixed most of them. If you find any other mistakes, just let me know. Oh yeah, I am still waiting for those model pics to come in. i dont have any so far.

8/17 - I just got a great idea for this site! I am planning on having a model gallery where people can send me pictires of the Gundam Models they've built and have them be put up on the site! As soon as I get the first picture, I'll start puttin them up as they come.

8/11 - Today I added a more detailed description for the Endless Waltz movie. Tomorrow I will try to expand the episode guide and listing. Also I Fixed the links on the Favorite Links page.

8/11 - Finally, after all that time I finished writing episode 1 of the episode guide! I am so mad (and all of you probably are too) that it took that long, but at least I did it. To make up for the long delay, I added a summary of the Gundam Wing movie also. Now the only things missing for those two pages are the Comet Cursors

8/3 - Well I guess I didnt have enough time this week to finish the episode guide/listing. Episodes 1 - 5 will definitely be posted up next week.

8/2 - Ok, now that I am finally back from my vacation, I have plenty of time to work on my sites. I am currently typing the text for the episode guide. It should be put up sometime before the end of the week. Also, I added the link to my other site that I am also working on along with one of my friends. you can find it in the favorite links section of the site.

7/23 - Its been a while since i've updated this site. i hav been busy wit mah otha site that also needs wurk. u can find it @ o well ill still try 2 update this site regularly. n e way, MS Gundam makes its premere today on Toonami @ 5:00 e/p!

7/18 - Still wurkin. Added sum coo stuff 2day, the coolest 1 I probably think is the comet cursors. Each page has a different character featured on them. Check it out!

7/17 - The official date for the release of gundam on Toonami is Monday, July 23

7/16 - just started this page today, added sum pix